Family Law Courts – The Bad News Keeps coming!

The bad news keeps on coming! In summary –
  • Long delays by judges delivering judgments, sometimes over 3 years;
  • Long delays punishes litigants and denies justice;
  • Whole court system is grossly  under-resourced;
  • Some lawyers are too aggressive and use tactics that add to delays and costs;
  • Too many family law lawyers failing to make genuine early attempts to resolve disputes without litigation.
A former High Court judge has highlighted a culture of slackness when too many family law judges take too long to hand down a judgment. Is there a better alternative? Most definitely. Some law firms and lawyers, like ours, specialise in assisting parties to resolve their disputes out of court. Suitable training in ADR (alternative dispute resolution) teaches the principles, strategies and tactics needed to resolve disputes without litigation. Too many family law lawyers lack this training. Many think ADR is no more than attending a mediation before trial. So wrong ADR, properly taught and learned, is a skill set covering core principles, strategic thinking, negotiation strategies, communication skills and people skills. It promotes creative out of the box thinking skills. Skilled practitioners in the art of ADR can be engaged by both parties or by just one of them. If engaged by both, they act in a totally neutral capacity; if engaged by one party, they provide assisted negotiation skills to promote early dispute resolution. Avoid the litigation trap is you can. Call us on 03 6431 7674. We don’t charge a cent until we come up with an action blueprint you approve. Christopher Whitelaw Director
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